Installations All Weekend Long
Up on the second floor of PSK all weekend long!
This year, the8fest is excited to present two installation works by Canadian artists. The artists’ explorations of new ways to engage with small-gauge film expand the medium in the most unexpected ways! Their works will be up throughout the festival weekend.
Supported by the Pleasure Dome
Kyle Whitehead Meridian
2019 / Super 8 installation / sound
Meridian is an abstract and decisively analogue answer to the trending phenomena of VR and ASMR video content that is becoming ever more pervasive on the internet. The installation is comprised of a continuous 100-foot loop of Super 8 film (or simultaneous films) recorded from a point-of-view perspective with a diegetic binaural sound track. The superimposed time-lapse images are presented with their respective audio recordings layered concurrently. Binaural, or dummy-head recording is a method for capturing a stereo sound track using two microphones that are arranged to re-create the immersive sensation for the listener of actually being in the space of the original recording – or occupying the sound recordist’s head – and so the spectator’s experience of the work becomes analogous to creating it. The overwhelming audio and intangible images evoke an impressionistic super-reality where the elements presented become something more than the sum of their parts.
Andrew Lennox
Little Boshkung (‘Lake Of Many Echoes’)
2016 / 8mm installation
After losing his brother and mother, a boy reconstructs their home movies into a mapped landscape of their homeland, as a means of recreating the path of their fateful voyage.
“Little Boshkung” is an experiment with the “emulsion lift” technique. Regular 8mm home movies from the 1950’s were enlarged onto 35mm and 105mm film, boiled in water to separate the emulsion and re-adhered to a new substrate, to form a series of mosaic collages. This water-based technique illustrates the story of a boy drowning in a lake and explores themes of memory, recollection and grief experienced by his family.
This year the8fest is also presenting an installation work by Spotlight artist Jorge Lozano!
The invisible head
2020 / Super 8 installation / sound
Two-8 mm projectors – loop and a sound recorder
An endless end.